Fertility + Hormones + Health + Lifestyle
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Ovulation Myths
I have seen so many misconceptions or things that are spread as truth and are misinterpreted. I am answering questions and debunking myths that have I have received.
Ovulation and Fertility Awareness Methods
Reviewing the basic overview of the menstrual cycle and fertility awareness methods.
Your Fertility Doctor
Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses details she thinks are important to know when it comes to your physician as well as the clinic.
Becoming A Board-Certified Fertility Doctor
All about fertility doctors and what it takes to become one.
I often get asked “Who should I see?”, “How should I choose my doctor?”, and “What does it mean to be a fertility physician?” Let’s go over what it takes to become a fertility doctor and why it’s important to know your doctor’s credentials.
Reasons For An IUI
Going over the implications for getting an IUI and times it makes sense for an IUI
IUI: The Basics
IUI is short for intrauterine insemination. I am covering the basics including what IUI is and what types of cycles are used.
Progesterone: Luteal Phase Deficiency
What is luteal phase deficiency? How can it affect pregnancy? What are the treatment options?
What is progesterone? Why is it important? Why do people with PCOS have progesterone deficiency?
The Waiting Game
What does it mean to be in the space of the unknown? How do you deal with this moment? How do you become your best when you don’t know what the future looks like?
TTC for Lesbian Couples: Treatment Options
What are the options for having a a child as a lesbian couple?
TTC for Lesbian Couples: The First Steps
Learn the first steps for trying to conceive as a lesbian couple. Questions answered: What does it look like if you go to the fertility doctor as a lesbian couple wanting a baby? What tests need to be done? How do we choose donor sperm?
Miscarriage and Loss : Breaking the Stigma
Learn about the reasons miscarriage can happen and what can be done when a women has recurrent pregnancy loss. I tell you the story about my own miscarriage and why I believe breaking the stigma behind pregnancy loss is so important. You are not alone.
PCOS: What are the treatments?
In the last blog post you learned all about what PCOS, what causes it, and how it is diagnosed. Now I will discuss the treatment including diet, lifestyle factors, and fertility treatments. Lifestyle factors can improve hormone dysfunction and regardless of whether you are trying to get pregnant, having your body function the best that it can is important.
What is PCOS?
What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?
I like to consider PCOS to be a stubborn ovary. Basically the communication between the brain and the ovary is dysfunctional. So you probably know that the brain sends out two hormones, LH and FSH. They do different things. FSH (a well named hormone, follicle stimulating hormone) controls a follicle growing, which happens as an egg matures. LH (luteinizing hormone) helps trigger ovulation (egg release) and stimulate progesterone production in the luteal phase. LH is also very important in the production of hormones.
Natural Fertility: What Supplements Should I be Taking for Fertility?
Even if your diet consists of many of these vitamins, it’s still important to consider taking supplements, but what should you take? More information on appropriate supplements when you are tying to conceive.
Natural Fertility: Diet
A study published in the American Journey of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2019 showed that a fertility diet high in supplemental folic acid, B-12, and vitamin D, had low pesticide produce, whole grains over simple carbohydrates, dairy, soy foods, and fish over red meats had higher probabilities of live birth even with IVF. Female reproduction is a hormone dependent and sensitive process. Many things have to come together and function normally. This does not mean that you need to be vegan or vegetarian, although I am a huge advocate for a plant-based diet. However, if you choose to go vegan or vegetarian you likely need to supplement your diet with vitamins and nutrients. I also believe that everyone should be taking daily supplements.
Natural Fertility: Environmental Toxins
Environmental contaminants and toxins play a large role in our ability to get pregnant. Things like alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and how much we of them we consume can negatively affect your fertility. We should also be aware of environmental contaminates such as BPA, phalates, PFCs, and pesticides that appear in our daily consumption.
Natural Fertility: The Basics About Age, Ovulation, and Timed Intercourse
This blog post is all about how you can take control of what you can to boost your fertility when it comes to age, ovulation, and sex. If you have listened to my podcasts or read previous blog posts, you know that as you get older your fertility decreases for two reasons. The first is that you start to run out of eggs and the second is your egg quality changes with time. The change in egg quality gives you in increased chance of genetic abnormalities and miscarriage. My take home message is that if you are starting your family earlier, you need to pay attention to what you are doing each month, lifestyle factors and try to optimize your chance of success.
Infertility 101
Reviewing the basics of infertility . What to expect in infertility an evaluation? What are the different causes of infertility? What can be done to help you get pregnant?