How Do Lesbians Get Pregnant?

Fertility physician Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD reviews options for lesbian couples who want to grow their family. Learn about choosing donor sperm, ovulation i...

Fertility physician Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD reviews options for lesbian couples who want to grow their family. Learn about choosing donor sperm, ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF). reciprocal IVF, and INVOcell. TTC as a lesbian couple? How do queer people have kids? How do you get pregnant as a lesbian? What do you need to know before using donor sperm? Can same sex female couples have infertility? What does it look like if you go to the fertility doctor as a lesbian couple wanting a baby? **must know information before you start your fertility journey.


Episode 089: Parenthood and Prematurity


Episode 088: The Failed IVF Cycle