Does Using Your Cell Phone Lower Your Sperm Count? Is It OK To Keep Your Cell Phone In Your Pocket?

Double board certified REI and OBGYN, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses studies that have looked at the impact of cell phone use on male sperm quality. Sperm are very fragile and easily influenced by lifestyle factors and environment. We know that heat can impact testicular function, but where do cell phones come in? Watch this video to learn how cell phone use can affect the quality of your sperm.

Questions Answered:

How is sperm made?

What is the life span of a sperm?

How can heat impact testicular function?

What is looked for in a semen analysis?

What do studies say about cell phone use and semen quality?

How does amount of time used impact sperm?

What parameters were impacted?

Does it matter where you keep your phone?

How can EMFs impact sperm?


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