Failed Cycles: Why Do Fertility Treatment Cycles Fail? What Are The Next Steps?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses failed cycles including why they fail and what your next steps should be. Knowing your odds of success and understanding the process is so important and something your provider should be explaining to you before you begin this journey. You also deserve the peace of mind knowing you had all of your questions answered if your cycle fails.

Questions Answered:
What is considered a failed cycle?
What is an IUI?
What is your chance of getting pregnant with an IUI?
What parts of the IUI process can fail?
What is the IVF process?
What parts of the IVF process can fail?
What is a WTF appointment?
What is the average rate of success of an embryo transfer?
Are tests like the ERA always necessary for implantation failure?
What questions should you ask your doctor after a failed transfer?
When should you seek a second opinion?

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