Fertility Preservation

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses fertility preservation, including egg vs. embryo freezing, lifestyle interventions, and what to avoid. Often people think of fertility preservation as an insurance policy, but it’s more like an investment for your future. When you know your options, you’re better prepared to plan your family goals at a time that makes sense for you.  

In this week’s Fertility in the News, Natalie discusses Jennifer Aniston’s recent interview with Allure about her IVF and fertility struggles.   

Finally, Natalie answers your social media questions during her segment FFS—For Fertility’s Sake. What advice would you give to a residency applicant struggling with fertility? With the Menopur shortage, what other protocols would you suggest? What are your thoughts on transferring a low mosaic embryo? 

Don't forget to ask your questions on Instagram for next week’s For Fertility’s Sake segment when you see the question box on Natalie’s page @nataliecrawfordmd. You can also ask a question by calling in and leaving a voicemail. Call 657–229–3672 and ask your fertility question today!   



If you haven’t already, please rate, review, and follow the podcast to be notified of new episodes every Sunday. Plus, be sure to follow along on Instagram @nataliecrawfordmd, check out Natalie's YouTube channel Natalie Crawford MD, and if you're interested in becoming a patient, check out Fora Fertility. 


Cycle Tracking: How To Get Pregnant Naturally And Fast - TTC Using Apps and Fertility Tracking


PCOS Q&A: TTC, Environmental Factors, Ovulation, Birth Control, Weight Loss and more!