Fertility + Hormones + Health + Lifestyle 

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Before Fertility Treatments

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses what you need to know if you are considering or in the midst of fertility treatment. She walks through the key steps in the fertility evaluation process, including testing ovarian reserve, assessing reproductive anatomy, and analyzing semen quality. She explains the treatment options available for those with unexplained infertility, outlining the pros and cons of approaches like intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF).

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

PCOS Treatment Questions

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses PCOS treatment options, emphasizing the importance of understanding the normal ovulation process. Letrozole is a common treatment for PCOS, working by reducing estrogen levels to stimulate FSH production. She advises monitoring with ultrasounds and progesterone levels. For those not responding to Letrozole, Clomid may be considered. Dr. Crawford also highlights the role of lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise, and stress reduction, in managing PCOS. She mentions the potential benefits of GLP-1 agonists for weight loss and insulin resistance, though they should be discontinued before attempting pregnancy.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Egg and Embryo Freezing: What You Should Know

Dr. Natalie Crawford dives into the topic of fertility preservation. Recognizing the growing need for women to take proactive measures to safeguard their reproductive futures, she provides a comprehensive overview of the available options, from egg freezing to embryo banking. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the nuances between these methods and how they can empower women to make informed decisions about their family planning. Listen and gain valuable insights into the latest research, cost-effectiveness analyses, and practical lifestyle tips to optimize their fertility potential.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Pregnancy Loss, Ectopic Pregnancy, and Implantation Failure

Dr. Natalie Crawford addresses various aspects of pregnancy loss, including miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and implantation failure. In this episode, she answers voicemail questions about the best next steps after an ectopic pregnancy, the timeline for ovulation after a miscarriage, concerns over uterine lining after IUD removal, the use of specific IVF protocols, and how to approach multiple failed embryo transfers. 

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

PCOS vs. CAH - Understanding The Difference

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses PCOS and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), emphasizing their impact on fertility. She explains the menstrual cycle's hormonal processes and how disruptions in these pathways lead to conditions like PCOS and CAH. Dr. Crawford highlights the importance of thorough evaluations to differentiate between these conditions and avoid misdiagnosis.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Should You Have Your Fertility Tested?

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses the importance of fertility testing and the impact of early testing on reproductive decisions. She emphasizes that while guidelines suggest waiting a year before testing, individual circumstances may warrant earlier evaluation.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Ovarian Reserve Testing - AMH & AFC

Dr. Natalie Crawford takes a deep dive into the science of ovarian reserve testing, exploring key indicators like AMH (Anti-Müllerian Hormone) and antral follicle count. She walks listeners through the process of egg growth, ovulation, and how these tests offer crucial insights into a woman’s fertility potential.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Why Is Your Period Missing?

Dr. Natalie Crawford addresses a listener's question about primary amenorrhea, discussing the absence of periods despite typical puberty signs and normal hormone levels. She explains the difference between primary and secondary amenorrhea, potential causes like ovarian failure, Mullerian aplasia, androgen insensitivity syndrome, and more. Most importantly, she emphasizes the importance of thorough evaluation and testing to determine the underlying cause.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Infertility and The Holidays

Dr. Natalie Crawford gives her advice for navigating infertility during the holidays. Whether you are going through infertility or treatment or you have a family member or friend who is, this episode is for you. You deserve support. Don't be afraid to set boundaries, and communicate why they exist. Make a plan and be prepared if you are spending the holidays with family and know they are going to have questions. Give yourself the gift of education. Control what you can.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Cycle Tracking and Natural Family Planning

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses the importance of cycle tracking for reproductive health, emphasizing its relevance in the current political climate. She explains the menstrual cycle, including the roles of FSH, LH, estrogen, and progesterone. Various cycle tracking methods are detailed, such as the calendar method, rhythm method, standard days method, basal body temperature (BBT), cervical mucus monitoring, and urinary LH tests. Effectiveness rates for perfect and typical use are provided, highlighting the need for consistent tracking. Dr. Crawford also addresses the impact of hormonal birth control and IVF on cycle tracking accuracy.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Navigating Reproductive Health Post-Election

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses the impact of the recent election on reproductive health, focusing on IVF and contraceptive options. She reassures listeners that current IVF practices remain unchanged and emphasizes the importance of understanding one's reproductive health. She also advises against making immediate changes but highlights the need to be informed and prepared for potential future restrictions.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Unexpected Outcomes After Fertility Treatments - What Next?

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses the emotional and practical challenges of unexpected outcomes in fertility treatments, emphasizing the importance of preparation and understanding. She highlights the need for clear expectations and the role of various treatments like ovulation induction, IUI, and IVF. Dr. Crawford shares a case study of a 31-year-old woman with low AMH levels who experienced a failed IVF cycle, explaining the potential causes and next steps. She also addresses common questions about fertility treatments, such as estrogen dosing for frozen embryo transfers and the impact of lifestyle changes on sperm count.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Uterus Q&A - TTC, Infertility, Uterine Lining, and Hysteroscopy

Dr. Natalie Crawford answers common questions about the uterus. 

Questions answered:

  1. What are the implications of having uterine scarring now that I am done having children?

  2. What are your thoughts about finding fluid in your uterus after beginning your IVF cycle? 

  3. How long does it take for the body recover and go back to its normal period after hysteroscopy?

  4. Could having a tight uterus be a factor in unexplained infertility?

  5. Should I consider surrogacy after multiple failed transfers?

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Egg and Embryo Donation: Introducing Era Embryos

Dr. Natalie Crawford provides a comprehensive overview of egg and embryo donation options for those looking to grow their families. She delves into the basics of egg donation, including the IVF process, success rates, and reasons why someone may choose to use donor eggs. Dr. Crawford also explores the complex world of embryo donation, addressing the challenges and misconceptions surrounding this path to parenthood. She introduces Era Embryos, a new program, to bring more transparency and medical soundness to embryo donation.

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