Why Is Your Period Missing?

Dr. Natalie Crawford addresses a listener's question about primary amenorrhea, discussing the absence of periods despite typical puberty signs and normal hormone levels. She explains the difference between primary and secondary amenorrhea, potential causes like ovarian failure, Mullerian aplasia, androgen insensitivity syndrome, and more. Most importantly, she emphasizes the importance of thorough evaluation and testing to determine the underlying cause.

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Don't forget to ask your questions on Instagram for next week’s For Fertility’s Sake segment when you see the question box on Natalie’s page @nataliecrawfordmd. You can also ask a question by calling in and leaving a voicemail. Call 657–229–3672 and ask your fertility question today!     

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How Many Eggs Do You Need To Get A Normal Embryo?


Can You Get Pregnant With One Fallopian Tube?