Getting Pregnant At An Older Age

Dr. Natalie Crawford reviews what you need to know if you are starting or growing your family at an older age. Although getting pregnant may be harder at an older age - it is not impossible. Learn what you need to know to get pregnant naturally at an older age, and when you should seek further evaluation and help.

What should you do if you are trying to conceive at an older age:

1. Understand the data about conceiving at age 40 and older

2. Get a fertility workup before you begin trying to conceive - check your uterus, Fallopian tubes, ovarian reserve, and sperm count

3. Improve your egg quality

4. Be proactive in trying to conceive - learn about cycle tracking, timing intercourse, optimizing natural fertility

5. Think about your long term family goals!

Natalie answers your social media questions during her segment FFS—For Fertility’s Sake.

How long do I wait to get pregnant through an FET after a uterine septum operative hysteroscopy?

When do you graduate patients when they become pregnant?

I am taking inositol, COQ10, and omega 3 fatty acids to help my egg quality and I have PCOS. Do I stop these if I get pregnant?

Is there an easy way to know if you’re before trying?

Can you freeze eggs if you don’t ovulate?

Don't forget to ask your questions on Instagram for next week’s For Fertility’s Sake segment when you see the question box on Natalie’s page @nataliecrawfordmd. You can also ask a question by calling in and leaving a voicemail. Call 657–229–3672 and ask your fertility question today!     

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Vitamin D and Fertility: Do You Have Vitamin D Deficiency? How Does It Impact Fertility & Pregnancy?


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