How Do You Get Pregnant? How To Get Pregnant Naturally Faster

Are you ready to get pregnant but not sure what to do?Want to make the most out of trying to get pregnant?How do you get pregnant faster?Dr. Natalie Crawford...

Are you ready to get pregnant but not sure what to do? Want to make the most out of trying to get pregnant? How do you get pregnant faster?

Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD, board-certified OBGYN, and REI reviews the basics she wants you to know BEFORE you start trying to conceive. How do you get pregnant? What do you need to do when trying to conceive? This will help you optimize the chance of pregnancy per month when you are ready to get pregnant fast.

Topics covered include:

1. What do I do if my periods are irregular and I want to get pregnant?

2. When do I stop birth control if I want to conceive?

3. Which prenatal vitamin is best?

4. Is methylated folate better than folic acid?

5. Fertility diet and environmental toxins

6. How do you know when you are ovulating?

7. What is your fertile window?

8. When do you have sex of trying to conceive? (5:46)

9. How do you use an ovulation predictor kit? (OPK)

10. What is cervical mucus monitoring? (CMM)

11. What is basal body temperature? (BBT)

12. When should you see a fertility specialist?


Episode 96: Donor Egg IVF


Egg Freezing