INFERTILITY TREATMENTS - Ovulation Induction, IUI, IVF, and Surgery To Help You Get Pregnant

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford goes over what you need to know before you see a fertility doctor. What are the fertility treatment options? It’s important to know that a complete evaluation is going to be needed before you start treatment. Fertility doctors love data and want all the information to best treat you.

Questions Answered:

What tests and evaluations are needed before treatment is started?
What is ovarian reserve testing? What is unexplained fertility?
Why are your family planning goals important?
When is surgery needed to treat infertility?
What is endometriosis?
Is surgery always a necessary treatment for endometriosis?
How do you induce ovulation?
What is an IUI?
When is an IUI an appropriate treatment option?
What are the treatment options for unexplained infertility?
What is super ovulation?
What is IVF?
When is IVF needed?


Ovulation and Fertility Awareness Methods


Frozen Embryo Transfers