Miscarriage: What To Expect After A Pregnancy Loss? Do You Have To Wait To Get Pregnant Again?

Double board-certified OBGYN and REI discusses miscarriage and delves into the critical topics surrounding miscarriage, providing a comprehensive overview of what you need to know and next steps. She discusses the number one cause of miscarriage and explore other common causes. You'll learn about recurrent pregnancy loss, the different types of pregnancy loss, including chemical pregnancy, missed miscarriage, and incomplete miscarriage. She also answers the common question, "how long do you have to wait to get pregnant again after a miscarriage?"

Questions Answered:

What is the number one cause of miscarriage?

What are other common causes?

What is recurrent pregnancy loss?

What are the types of pregnancy loss?

What is a chemical pregnancy?

What is a missed miscarriage or abortion?

What is an incomplete miscarriage?

What is the recovery time after a miscarriage?

What is HCG?

Why is it important to make sure the HCG levels have dropped to zero?

How long can it take for the HCG levels to drop?

What are medications you might take?

When should you get an evaluation?

What are warning signs the pregnancy is not resolved?

When does your period usually come back?


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