Multiples and Fertility Treatments: What Are The Risks? What Should You Know?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses fertility treatment and multiple pregnancies. It’s important to understand the risks that comes with being pregnant with multiples. When technology advances, advancing and changing the way we practice should happen as well.
Questions answered:
Why do twins happen during fertility treatments?
How common are multiples while doing fertility treatments?
What are the different types of twins?
What causes dizygotic twins?
How common is monozygotic twinning with IVF?
How do quadruplets happen?
What maternal complications can come from twinning?
What are the risks for the baby/babies?
How has IVF and ovulation induction changed?
Will it save money to have twins?
What are the recommendations on single versus multiple embryo transfer?

ASRM committee opinion:

Machin, G. (2009), Non-identical monozygotic twins, intermediate twin types, zygosity testing, and the non-random nature of monozygotic twinning: A review. Am. J. Med. Genet., 151C: 110-127.


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