Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: What Is It? What Are The Causes? What Is The Evaluation?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses recurrent pregnancy loss including what it is, the causes, the evaluation, and what to do moving forward. She has been in your shoes and remembers what it was like wondering when that day would come.

Questions answered:

How common is miscarriage?Does age play a role?

What is the top cause of miscarriage?

What can you do if you have recurrent pregnancy loss?

What can cause recurrent pregnancy loss?

What is a uterine septum?

What causes tubal disease?

What is a clotting disorder?How can endocrine issues play a role?How can ovulation disorders impact pregnancy loss?

What is a luteal phase defect?

What is a balanced translocation?

How can sperm abnormalities impact pregnancy loss?

When should you get an evaluation?


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