Should Doctors Be on Social Media or Talk About Politics?

I've been told my entire career to stay in my box and to live up to the expectations that others have set for me. To not be controversial, not talk about pol...

I've been told my entire career to stay in my box and to live up to the expectations that others have set for me. To not be controversial, not talk about politically charged topics, not show my personality, not allow my personal life to mix with my professional life. But I don't believe in any of that. I've been honored to have a platform that allows me to educate and talk about stigmatized topics and empower people to make the best decisions for their lives. I like talking about the things we don't talk about - fertility, conception, periods, reproduction, abortion, reproductive rights, and more.' And sometimes this bleeds into politics and I feel it is not only my place but my need to make my opinions on these controversial topics known. And people sure have something to say about this. That as a doctor, I shouldn't be there. I need to be neutral. This is not my place. This is not why people come to my pages.

Look, it is my place and I will stand up for the things I believe in.

I will advocate for others.

Black lives matter.

COVID is real.

LGBTQ+ rights deserve attention.

There is no place for hate.

Racism exists in this country.

We must not stand silent and accept the inequity around us, we must first start with our voice.

Thank you for listening.


Episode 095: Habits and Goals


Episode 94: Social Media with Mama Doctor Jones