Stopping Birth Control: Post Birth Control Pill Syndrome, Pill Detox, and Fertility

Double board-certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses the "post birth control pill syndrome" and answers a common question: Do you need to do a "cleanse" or "detox" when you stop taking birth control. Not everybody needs to be on the pill. It is one option that can prevent a pregnancy and treat medical conditions. Birth control is very individualized depending on who you are and what pill you are taking. Like anything, there are pros and cons to taking the pill.

Questions Answered:

Should you do a birth control pill detox?

How does birth control pill work?

What is ethanol estradiol?

What happens in a normal cycle?

What happens during ovulation?

What does high estrogen do to your body?What is the corpus luteum?

What are side effects of the pill?

What does progesterone do to your body?

How does the birth control pill change your cycle?

What is sex hormone binding globulin?

How does having PCOS change things?

What can cause amenorrhea?

How does the pill mask symptoms?

When should to stop taking the pill before TTC?

What are side effects of the pill?

Are birth control cleanses necessary?


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