TILTED UTERUS: What Is a Tilted Uterus? How Does Your Uterus Position Impact Fertility?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses what a tilted uterus means and whether or not it impacts your fertility. This is a common question so she is also teaching you about your anatomy so you can better understand why your uterus may be tilted.

Questions Answered:

What is a tilted uterus?
How can a tilted uterus be seen?
What is an anteverted uterus?
What can cause an anteverted uterus?
What is a retroverted uterus?
What can cause a retroverted uterus?
How can endometriosis affect your uterus’s position?
Does the position of your uterus impact your fertility?
Why should you have a full bladder with embryo transfer?
Why could knowing your uterus is tilted be important?
Does a tilted uterus make it hard to get pregnant?


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