TTC - What Should You Do Before You Get Pregnant? How Do You Get Pregnant?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses what you should know and do before trying to get pregnant. Your period is a vital sign and is the first thing you should understand before trying to conceive. She also shares fertility awareness methods, what tests should be done, and when you should see a fertility doctor.

Questions answered:
What should you know about your period?
What is considered a regular period?
What can cause irregular periods?
How do you detect ovulation?
What are some fertility myths regarding intercourse?
How long do sperm live in the reproductive tract?
How long does the egg live?
What are early pregnancy symptoms?
How early can you take a pregnancy test?
What do you need to do before getting pregnant?
Why is folic acid important?
How should you take care of your body before TTC?
What is preconception testing?
When should you see a fertility doctor?


Uterine Birth Defects


Advanced Maternal Age