Understanding Egg Maturity and Protocols to Improve IVF Outcomes

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, provides valuable insights into the importance of understanding egg maturity during in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles. She emphasizes the need to evaluate and adjust IVF protocols to maximize the number of mature eggs retrieved, as this is a key determinant of IVF success. She outlines various suppression and stimulation techniques used in IVF, as well as the criteria for assessing egg maturity. By understanding these nuances, you can be better equipped to advocate for your fertility needs to optimize your IVF outcomes.

Questions Answered:

What is the goal of IVF?

What impacts egg quantity?

How is ovarian reserve measured?

What is an antral follicle count?

What is AMH?

What does the IVF protocol do?

How is IVF success determined?

What are the types of protocols?

What are potential protocol add ons?

What is the importance of suppression and stimulation?

What are the types of protocols?

What is maturity?

What are the levels of maturity?

What is ICSI?

What is conventional fertilization?


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Perimenopause, Low Ovarian Reserve, and Hormones