When To Have Sex? Timing Intercourse To Get Pregnant

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses when to time intercourse when trying to get pregnant. There are a lot of myths when it comes to sex and the timing including when and how often you should have intercourse. In this video, Dr. Crawford breaks it all down so you can be prepared and informed on your TTC journey.

Questions Answered:

How do you know if you are ovulating?

How long does an egg live?

How long does sperm live?

Should you refrain from sex to save sperm for ovulation?

What are the methods for predicting ovulation?

What is the follicular phase?What is the luteal phase?

What is the corpus luteum?

How do you use the calendar method?

How do you check cervical mucus?

How does an OPK work?

When should you use it?

How does BBT work?

What is your monthly success rate?

When should you see a fertility doctor and get an evaluation?


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