Mother's Day and Infertility

Dr. Natalie Crawford shares her thoughts on mother's day and how difficult it can be when you are struggling with infertility. She also shares her infertility story and her advice for how to accept support from the people around you.

We have decided to move Fertility In The News to the weekly newsletter in order to keep the podcast more evergreen. If you want to sign up go to to sign up!

Natalie answers your social media questions during her segment FFS—For Fertility’s Sake.

For a natural FET cycle, when should the embryo be transferred?

I have a consistently late ovulation, later than day 24 every cycle. How do I fix this and is it due to egg quality?

Is there an increased chance of miscarriage if you have previously had one?

Don't forget to ask your questions on Instagram for next week’s For Fertility’s Sake segment when you see the question box on Natalie’s page @nataliecrawfordmd. You can also ask a question by calling in and leaving a voicemail. Call 657–229–3672 and ask your fertility question today!     

If you haven’t already, please rate, review, and follow the podcast to be notified of new episodes every Sunday. Plus, be sure to follow along on Instagram @nataliecrawfordmd, check out Natalie's YouTube channel Natalie Crawford MD, and if you're interested in becoming a patient, check out Fora Fertility.


Progesterone and Miscarriage: Can Progesterone Supplementation Prevent Miscarriage?


AMH: How Can Low AMH Impact Fertility? What Should You Know About AMH?