Fertility + Hormones + Health + Lifestyle 

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How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant? What is Normal When You Are Trying to Conceive?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford explains how long it takes to get pregnant and what is normal when trying to conceive. She dives into fecundability, which is your chance of conceiving each month, egg quality, and when you need an evaluation. Yahoo published a survey that showed that nearly 60% of women say they wish they knew how long it would take to get pregnant before they started trying. So often women don’t prepare for or even think about trying to get pregnant until they’re ready. For so many, having kids is a life goal and in what other situation would you approach a life goal without any plans? Watch this video if you are planning to get pregnant now or in the future.

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YouTube Kayla Cavagnaro YouTube Kayla Cavagnaro

Is IVF Too Hard? Should You Do IVF? What Really Is IVF? Fertility Doctor Explains IVF

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, explains the IVF process and discusses if it's too "hard." When you start entering in the fertility space, there is so much we don’t know about our bodies. So the IVF process can seem like a lot. Dr. Crawford hears so many people say “I don’t want to do IVF because it is too hard?" In this video she breaks down the process in a tangible way for you to understand the process, the odds, and make the decision for yourself.

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YouTube Kayla Cavagnaro YouTube Kayla Cavagnaro

Stopping Birth Control: Post Birth Control Pill Syndrome, Pill Detox, and Fertility

Double board-certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses the "post birth control pill syndrome" and answers a common question: Do you need to do a "cleanse" or "detox" when you stop taking birth control. Not everybody needs to be on the pill. It is one option that can prevent a pregnancy and treat medical conditions. Birth control is very individualized depending on who you are and what pill you are taking. Like anything, there are pros and cons to taking the pill.

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Over the Counter Birth Control: What You Need to Know About Opill & Progesterone Only Birth Control

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses progesterone only pills and the newly released over the counter birth control pill, Opill. Understanding how these pills work and how to take them is very important. Easier access to contraceptive options is so great, but please remember that there a lot of other reasons to see your OBGYN or PCP like pap smears, general health evaluations, and STI screenings.

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Is IVF Safe? Should Embryos Be Considered Children?

Double board-certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses IVF and the recent bill in Alabama regarding embryos. When things aren’t discussed enough, we are not able to make educated choices. In this video, Dr. Crawford answers questions you are having regarding personhood bills and IVF. Understanding how IVF works is key in understanding these bills. It is important to know that these laws can make IVF more risky and less accessible.

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ERA Test: Should You Do The Endometrial Receptivity Analysis Test?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, answers the question, “Should you get the ERA test?” If you are going through IVF, you may have heard about this test. Dr. Crawford reviews several studies on the ERA test and gives you the information you need to decide whether this test is for you or not.

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Ovulation Q&A: OPKs, BBT, Cervical Mucus, and more!

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, answers your ovulation questions. Understanding your cycle and specifically your ovulation is key when you are trying to conceive. It's important to know that if something is off, you should get evaluated.

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IVF: What are the common IVF Protocols?

Double board-certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses IVF protocol basics. She discusses what protocol may be best for different situations and the different medications that can be used throughout the process. If you are going through IVF, watch this video to empower yourself with knowledge and advocate for yourself.

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YouTube Kayla Cavagnaro YouTube Kayla Cavagnaro

Five Fertility Ultrasound Findings: What Does Your Doctor Mean? Should You Be Concerned?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses different findings during a fertility ultrasound and what they mean. She talks about a tilted uterus, your fallopian tubes, cysts, and more. Some things that are found on ultrasound are not concerning when it comes to your fertility, but it is important to know when you should be concerned.

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Implantation Bleeding: A Sign Of Pregnancy? What Could It Mean?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses implantation and if implantation bleeding or spotting could be a sign you are pregnant. She also discusses the menstrual cycle and how your hormone levels change leading up to the implantation window. It's also important to know that mid-cycle bleeding or spotting could indicate something else.

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Painful Periods: Are They Normal? What Causes Painful Periods?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses what painful periods are and what causes them. Understanding your menstrual cycle and knowing what is normal is so important for your health and fertility. If you have period pain that is impacting your quality of life, please find a doctor that will take you seriously. There is no universal answer, but you should find somebody who will work with you to get to the bottom of what is causing painful periods.

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YouTube Kayla Cavagnaro YouTube Kayla Cavagnaro

Hormones: Are Your Hormones Normal? What Do your Lab Numbers Mean?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, explains what normal hormone levels are and what to know if yours are abnormal. She explains the menstrual cycle in detail and what your hormone levels should be during different phases of your cycle. Hormones can be a hard topic and it's important to know if your levels are normal especially if you are trying to conceive.

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