Fertility + Hormones + Health + Lifestyle
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Natural Fertility: Diet
A study published in the American Journey of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2019 showed that a fertility diet high in supplemental folic acid, B-12, and vitamin D, had low pesticide produce, whole grains over simple carbohydrates, dairy, soy foods, and fish over red meats had higher probabilities of live birth even with IVF. Female reproduction is a hormone dependent and sensitive process. Many things have to come together and function normally. This does not mean that you need to be vegan or vegetarian, although I am a huge advocate for a plant-based diet. However, if you choose to go vegan or vegetarian you likely need to supplement your diet with vitamins and nutrients. I also believe that everyone should be taking daily supplements.
Episode 107: AMH
Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks all about ovarian reserve and AMH (antimullerian hormone). What is AMH? What does it mean? What should you know if you screen your fertility and your AMH is low? Does AMH impact your natural fertility? Does a low AMH cause infertility? How does AMH impact your future and your goals?
Episode 106: Starting a Podcast
Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks about the decision to start a podcast. Learn her advice for what you should do before you start to set yourself up for success. Show structure, technical challenges, branding, marketing, and sharing. No matter what you want to talk on - there is space for you! Take the jump into the podcasting world and let us support you.
COVID and PERIODS: Does The COVID Vaccine Change Your Period?
Board Certified Fertility Doctor, Natalie Crawford, MD is answering a common questions - can the COVID vaccine change your period? There have been reports from women that their period has changed after getting the COVID vaccine. Does the COVID vaccine change your period? Why could periods change after the COVID vaccine? Are there any changes in your hormones from COVID or COVID vaccine? Are there any changes to your ovarian reserve after COVID infection or the vaccine?
Fast Fertility Facts: What is AMH? (Antimullerian hormone)
What is AMH? Fertility doctor Natalie Crawford, MD gives a quick overview of AMH (antimullerian hormone) and ovarian reserve. Quick facts: AMH can change month to month. It is a blood test. Low AMH is associated with fewer eggs to freeze or retrieve with IVF and an early onset of ovarian failure (menopause). Low AMH does not cause infertility to make it harder to get pregnant naturally.
Episode 105: Single Mom By Choice, with Katie Bryan
Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks with Katie Bryan about the journey to become a single mother by choice (SMBC). Katie went through her own journey to become a mom after a process that started freezing her eggs. Katie hosts the Single Greatest Choice Podcast and works to give women courage daily to live their best life and make decisions in line with their goals.
Caffeine and Pregnancy: Is Caffeine Safe To Use When You Are Trying To Conceive Or Pregnant?
Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD, board certified OBGYN and REI, discusses caffeine and coffee use when trying to conceive or pregnant. Can you really drink coffee when TTC?
Questions answered:
Is caffeine bad for you?
Is it safe to drink coffee if you are pregnant?
Does caffeine cause miscarriage?
Is there a safe amount of caffeine or coffee you can drink?
How much caffeine is in coffee?
Does caffeine cause preterm birth or intrauterine growth restriction?
Does caffeine cause infertility?
Do you need to stop drinking coffee if you are trying to get pregnant?
*this is educational information only, not directed medical advice. Please ask any direct medical questions to your doctor.
Fast Fertility Facts: Your Period
Fertility Doctor Natalie Crawford, MD explains your menstrual cycle in 60 seconds. What causes ovulation? How do your hormones change throughout your menstrual cycle? What is a normal menstrual cycle? What is a normal period?
Episode 104: Vegan and Pregnant
Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks about being vegan when pregnant. One of the top questions asked: is it safe to be vegan and be pregnant is answered here. Reviewed in this episode: literature on the safety of vegan and vegetarian diets when pregnant, supplements you should consider, dietary sources you need to know, and more.
Fertility Supplements: What Supplements Should You Take if You Are Trying To Get Pregnant?
Dr. Natalie Crawford, board certified fertility doctor, talks about fertility supplements. What supplements should you be taking if you are TTC? What do you need if you are trying to get pregnant? What supplements help improve your fertility? What supplements help diminished ovarian reserve and egg quality? What supplements help endometriosis or PCOS? One of the top questions asked is "Are there any supplements I can take to improve my fertility?"
Natural Fertility: Environmental Toxins
Environmental contaminants and toxins play a large role in our ability to get pregnant. Things like alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and how much we of them we consume can negatively affect your fertility. We should also be aware of environmental contaminates such as BPA, phalates, PFCs, and pesticides that appear in our daily consumption.
Implantation and Early Pregnancy Symptoms: How Early Can You Take a Pregnancy Test?
Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD, board certified OBGYN and REI, discusses one of the top questions she gets asked as a fertility doctor: what are the early signs of a pregnancy? In this video she reviews hormone changes in the luteal phase, the importance of progesterone, what exactly is the two week wait (TWW), and what happens as an embryo implants? All your implantation symptoms discussed in detail!
Questions answered: When does implantation occur? How early after implantation can you take a pregnancy test? What are the early signs of pregnancy? What symptoms can you expect with early pregnancy? What is the first sign of implantation? What is the two week wait (TWW)? What does progesterone do in the luteal phase? How early can you test for pregnancy? Why is pregnancy 40 weeks?
Episode 103: Freezing Your Eggs, with Dr. Valerie Libby
Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford to discuss egg freezing with fertility physician and friend, Dr. Valerie Libby. Listen to them talk about Val's decision to freeze her eggs, what it was like freezing eggs in medical training, and what she did when a tragic accident involved her eggs. Listen to her advice for all people considering freezing their eggs and what you should know before you begin the process.
COVID and Male Fertility: Does COVID Infection Impact Sperm Production?
Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD - double board certified OBGYN and Fertility Doctor discuss COVID and male fertility. Listen as a recent study is reviewed talking about sperm production and semen analysis after COVID infection. Literature review. Questions reviewed: Does sperm change after COVID-19 infection? Does sperm concentration, motility, and morphology differ based on severity of COVID infection? What should people trying to conceive know about male COVID infection? Should men who get COVID get a semen analysis? What should you do if you are in fertility treatment and male partner gets COVID infection?
Natural Fertility: The Basics About Age, Ovulation, and Timed Intercourse
This blog post is all about how you can take control of what you can to boost your fertility when it comes to age, ovulation, and sex. If you have listened to my podcasts or read previous blog posts, you know that as you get older your fertility decreases for two reasons. The first is that you start to run out of eggs and the second is your egg quality changes with time. The change in egg quality gives you in increased chance of genetic abnormalities and miscarriage. My take home message is that if you are starting your family earlier, you need to pay attention to what you are doing each month, lifestyle factors and try to optimize your chance of success.
Episode 102: Sexual Harassment in Medicine
Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks about sexual harassment and abuse in medicine. it is time for the culture of medicine to change. Listen as she shares YOUR stories, talks about what to do when experiencing this and strategies for reporting. Where else can you report and who can you go to? How can we not jeopardize our careers but no longer tolerate this action. Find the helpers.
TTC with PCOS: An Interview with Lauren Stewart - Her Infertility Story
Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD, board certified OBGYN and REI as she talks to Lauren Stewart who is publicly sharing her story with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) while trying to get pregnant.
Listen as she shares: Getting her PCOS diagnosis
Being told she had diabetes
Having a bad experience with a fertility doctor
Ovulation induction - Clomid and injectable hormones
Deciding to do IUI (Intrauterine Inseminination)
Her farm life
Dealing with the stigma and sharing your fertility story with the world
FOLLOW LAUREN: Instagram: @lauren.stewart_dc https://www.instagram.com/lauren.stew...
YouTube: @Lauren Stewart
Episode 101: Understanding Your Period
Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks about period basics. When are you ovulating? What is a normal period? How long should a period be? What is an irregular period? What can cause an abnormal period? What do your hormones mean? When should you get help? Should you use clomid or ovulation induction if your periods are regular? Learn about your body here.
How Do You Use an OPK? Fertility Doctor Explains Testing Ovulation and Ovulation Predictor Kits
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, talks about how to use an ovulation predictor kit (OPK). Learn about ovulation, what your hormones are doing, and what you need to know. When do you start using OPKs? What hormone is an OPK testing? Are all ovulation tests the same? What time of day is the best to detect ovulation? What does a positive OPK mean? How do you know an OPK it positive? When should you time intercourse after a positive OPK?
*This is medical education and not medical advice. Please talk to your doctor about your medical condition and all questions you may have.