Fertility + Hormones + Health + Lifestyle 

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Episode 123: COVID, The VAX, and Your Period

Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks about the latest research on both the COVID Vaccine and a COVID infection on your period. Your period is a reflection of your reproductive health, and intense immune responses or infections can certainly be stressful to the body and alter our normal hormone function. Current DATA: 19% of people after a COVID infection have a cycle change in length. People who received the vaccine had on average a cycle length of 1 day longer than prior to vaccination. If you received both vaccines in one cycle, 10.6% of people had a clinically significant cycle change of 8 days or more as compared to the baseline rate of 4.3% in the unvaccinated. In those receiving the vaccine, your period returned to normal after 1-2 cycles. TLDR - your chance of having a period change is more from a COVID infection vs vaccination, and if you have period changes for more than 1-2 cycles after a vaccine please see your doctor to investigate other etiologies of amenorrhea.

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COVID & FERTILITY: Does The Vaccine Cause Infertility?


Does the COVID Vaccine cause infertility or impact your future fertility?

Double board certified fertility doctor, Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD discusses the COVID vaccine in this video in regards to periods, sperm health, egg number, ovarian function and IVF outcomes. Fear of harm to fertility is cited as a top reason for vaccine hesitancy and in this video we are going over ALL THE ARTICLES supporting that the vaccine has no reason to impact reproductive health, while a COVID infection itself does. If you want to be pregnant now or in the future, or are undergoing fertility treatments - this video will answer your questions about the safety and importance of the vaccine.

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COVID & PREGNANCY: Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated | Should You Get The COVID Vaccine?


Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD reviews the latest research on COVID, the vaccine and pregnancy. Now that the COVID vaccine has been available over a year, there are multiple studies looking at outcomes in pregnancy if vaccinated vs not vaccinated. Although this topic has been one targeted by misinformation campaigns, studies consistently show no harm to reproductive health or pregnancy outcomes from the vaccine; however, a COVID infection can be serious.

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IVF and Genetic Testing: Does PGT-A Have a Higher Live Birth Rate?

Should you genetically test your embryos if you are doing IVF? (also - welcome to my office at Fora Fertility XO)

Fertility doctor Natalie Crawford, MD, double board certified in OBGYN and REI, discusses preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) in review of the latest NEJM article: “Live birth With Or Without PGT-A”

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Environment and Fertility: Toxins and Your Reproductive Health

Fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford, MD reviews top facts about environmental toxins and fertility. Reproductive health is a hormone dependent process, and it is important for you to know how the things in your world impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes. Did you know that food, containers, kitchen cookware, beauty products, plastics and more can be associated with many adverse reproductive outcomes including: birth defects, intellectual developmental delay, placental issues, preterm birth, stillbirth, IUGRR 9growth restriction), infertility, irregular cycles, lower sperm counts, low testosterone levels, miscarriage and pregnancy loss, cancer, decreased fertilization with IVF, poor egg quality, and decreased implantation rates?

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PCOS & Ovulation Induction: How Can You Ovulate With PCOS?

Fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford, MD answers your questions about ovulation induction with PCOS. Learn more about polycystic ovarian syndrome - what causes the cysts? What can you do to improve your PCOS? What are the differences between metformin, clomid (clomiphene) and letrozole (femara) for ovulation induction? What questions should you ask your doctor about PCOS?

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Episode 122: Goals and Growth

Join host Natalie Crawford, MD as she talks about setting goals for the new year to foster growth and change. Listen to her talk about goal setting, understanding your why, making a plan, giving yourself grace, forgetting bad behaviors and setting yourself up fro success. Learn to allow yourself space to grow by cultivating at atmosphere of self acceptance and challenging the norm. You are enough, you deserve to be happy.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Episode 121: Supporting Your Mental Health, with Dr. Nichelle Haynes

Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she discussed the importance of addressing and taking care of your mental health with Dr. Nichelle Haynes. Nichelle is a reproductive psychiatrist and CEO of Reproductive Psychiatry Clinic in Austin. Throughout the past 2 years, many have suffered from an increase in anxiety, depression and chronic stress. For those struggling with infertility - this has been even worse. Listen as Nichelle talks about coping strategies for you to prioritize your own mental health.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Episode 120: The Practice of Medicine, with Rhoda Couvaras

Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks about women supporting women and behind the scenes of a medical practice with Rhoda Couvaras. Rhoda has a background in public relations and she has been the practice administrator at IVF Phoenix for almost 12 years. She has been a huge supporter of all women and has so much insight for everyone and anyone who cares for patients.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Episode 119: Exercise and Fertility, with Dr. Sasha Hakman

Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks about exercise and reproduction with Dr. Sasha Hakman. Dr. Hakman is and OBGYN and REI and is very passionate about lifestyle and fertility. Listen to her talk about her own journey with PCOS and IVF, learn about the recommendations for exercise and nutrition while trying to conceive, in fertility treatments and while pregnant - and think about your body in a new way.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Episode 118: Luteal Phase Deficiency

Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks about luteal phase deficiency. Learn more about your menstrual cycle, why cycle tracking is important and possible underlying causes. Treatment options may include monitoring, ovulation induction, progesterone, or IVF. The menstrual cycle is a vital sign - it reflects your hormones.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Episode 117: Fighting Infertility, with Samantha Busch

Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks about fertility with Samantha Busch. Listen as Samantha reviews her fertility journey and the heartbreak along the way. She talks about the decision to be public, the ups and down that come with sharing your story, switching fertility clinics, starting a fertility fund and now sharing everything in a very open memoir.

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Luteal Phase Deficiency: Understanding Progesterone and Ovulation

Fertility doctor Natalie Crawford, MD discusses the luteal phase in this video to help you understand your cycle. What is the luteal phase/ Is your luteal phase short? What is luteal phase deficiency? How do you know if you have a luteal phase defect? How do you treat luteal phase deficiency? What is a good progesterone level in the luteal phase? Covered in this video: The menstrual cycle phases: follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase What happens after ovulation? What is a normal progesterone? What does a day 21 progesterone check? What are the signs of a luteal phase deficiency? How do you treat an abnormal luteal phase? Ovulation Induction

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Episode 116: Stress, Hormones, and Fertility

Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks about stress and how it impacts your hormones and your fertility. Our bodies are made to respond to acute and chronic stress systems in a way that helps us prioritize immediate functions - however, in today's modern society, where stress is constant and our health prioritized, what are the reproductive consequences? Reviewing hormones, ovulation, implantation, placentation and pregnancy outcomes in the setting of stress.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Episode 115: Pelvic Pain, with Dr. Sonia Bahlani

Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks with pelvic pain specialist and expert Dr. Sonia Bahlani. Dr. Bahlani is OBGYN trained with a fellowship in the department of urology focussing on pain. She is an advocate for women and an educator of all things pelvic pain. Listen to us break down this topic talking about the top causes of pelvic pain, what to know for an evaluation and how you can get help. Your pain is real.

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YouTube Natalie Crawford YouTube Natalie Crawford

Top Reasons to Not Get the COVID Vaccine: A Fertility Doctor Reviews the Science and Latest Updates

Fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford. MD, reviews the top reasons not to get the COVID vaccine. This is the video to watch to educate yourself on why some people are not getting the vaccine, and to listen to the education and science to learn more. Share this episode with anyone in your life who needs data and science about the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccine.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Episode 114: A Fertility Doctor and The COVID Vaccine

Join host Dr. Natalie Crawford as she talks honestly and openly about the COVID vaccine in this episode to all of those who are not vaccinated or fearful of the vaccine. There have been many lies and misinformation spread about reproductive health and the vaccine - and in this episode she talks about science and facts. Please understand why your doctors are pleading with you to make an educated decision more than anything.

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