Fertility + Hormones + Health + Lifestyle
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Ovulation: Are You Ovulating? What Are The Signs You Are Not Ovulating?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, explains ovulation and how you can know if you are ovulating or not. It's important to know how your menstrual cycle works and that your period is a vital sign. There are many ways to know if you are ovulating. Watch this video to learn how!
Fertility Q&A-Letrozole, Ovarian Cysts, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, and More!
Dr. Natalie Crawford answers fertility questions listeners called in on the voicemail.
Preparing For An IUI
Dr. Crawford discusses how to prepare for an IUI or intrauterine insemination. IUI can be used for different situations. In this podcast, she discusses different protocols, the process, chance of getting pregnant, and questions to ask your doctor to be prepared for an IUI. A lot of clinics have different processes so it’s very important to understand how your clinic does things.
IVF: Does IVF Cause Early Menopause? Will You Run Out Of Eggs Faster If You Do IVF?
Double Board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford explains the IVF process and answers the question “Does IVF cause menopause?” This question started being asked when Kourtney Kardashian made the claim that IVF put her into menopause. Is her claim fact or fiction?
Understanding and Managing PCOS
Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses PCOS, management, treatment, what to know if you have or think you might have PCOS. PCOS is chronic illness, but it can be managed to a point where it does not interfere with your goals. PCOS is so different in everyone, and figuring out what works best for you and your needs is key.
Pregnancy Loss: Chemical vs Clinical Pregnancy? What Should You Know About A Chemical Pregnancy?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses chemical pregnancy, what it is, and what you should know. She also discusses the data and why it should be considered recurrent pregnancy loss if you have multiple chemical pregnancies.
Frozen Embryo Transfer Protocols
Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses embryo transfer protocols and when they should be used. She goes over questions you should ask and how you can advocate for yourself on this journey. Your protocol should be personalized to you and your needs. Also, your doctor should be able to explain to you why they chose a specific protocol. Listen to this episode to empower yourself with knowledge while on your IVF journey.
TTC: When Should You See A Fertility Doctor? How Long Should You Wait? What is The Evaluation?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses when you should see a fertility doctor while on your TTC journey. She goes over fecundability rates, fertility testing, and when you shouldn't wait to see a doctor and get help.
Fertility Q&A- Methotrexate, PCOS Treatment, FET, and more!
Dr. Natalie Crawford answers voicemails called in!
Questions answered:
-I had an ectopic requiring methotrexate. Is it okay to TTC 2 weeks before the recommended 3 month mark? What are the risks?
-What can be the reason for Ureaplasma? Could it be contributing to infertility?
and more!
TTC after IVF: Can You Get Pregnant After Needing IVF? What Do Studies Say?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, answers the question “Can you get pregnant naturally after needing IVF?” She reviews a meta analysis and goes over who is more likely to be able to get pregnant a second time without needing IVF. This questions truly depends on you. She recommends using the data here to make your best decision based on your family planning goals.
Diet and Miscarriage Risk
Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses a new article that evaluates diet types and the risk of miscarriage. As someone who has experiences miscarriage herself, Dr. Crawford understands the emotional toll it can take on you and the self-blame. She also understands the strong desire to do anything you can to help. You can't go back and change the past, but you can do your best to take charge of what you can.
Getting Pregnant With Endometriosis: TTC, Fertility Treatments, Surgery, and IVF with Endo
Double board certified OBGYN and REI discusses endometriosis and the fertility options if you have endometriosis. Endometriosis is under-diagnosed because the diagnosis requires surgery. It also presents differently in every person, and its impact on fertility can be varied. Different fertility treatments work best for different cases, and those options are broken down in this video.
Understanding Different IVF Protocols
Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses the different IVF protocols, what you need to know about them, and questions you should be asking your doctor. The protocol is the combination of medications used to allow your body to do what needs to be done for a successful IVF cycle. You deserve to understand what protocol is chosen for you and why it was chosen.
Natural Family Planning: Top Tips For TTC and Pregnancy Prevention
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, gives you her top tips if you are trying to conceive or preventing pregnancy. Understanding your cycle and when you ovulate is key to natural family planning. Watch this video to learn the best ways to track your cycle and to know when to or when to not have intercourse depending on your goal.
Uterine Polyps, Fibroids, and Fertility
Dr. Natalie Crawford talks all about uterine polyps and fibroids including how they are found and how they are treated. When do you need intervention and when do you not? Does a polyp need to be removed if you are TTC? How are uterine fibroids different than polyps? How can they impact fertility? She truly believes in being conservative when it comes to your uterus and being sure good decisions are being made when it comes to your story. Your care should be personalized.
Preparing For Your Egg Retrieval
Dr. Natalie Crawford explains everything you need to know to prepare for your egg retrieval. She goes over what to expect during and after the procedure, questions you should ask your provider, potential complications, and more. Every procedure has potential risks. Although the complications that can happen during or after an egg retrieval are very rare, it’s important to know the warning signs.
Top Tips From A Fertility Doctor to Get Pregnant Fast
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, answers the most asked questions about trying to conceive. She gives you the top tips to get pregnant fast and busts common myths about intercourse, conception, and ovulation. What should you do? What should you avoid?
Endometriosis and Fertility
Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses endometriosis and the best fertility treatments if you have endo. Endometriosis is relatively common in the infertility population. This episode also includes what endometriosis is, difficulties with diagnosis, and the physiology of the disease.
Embryo Transfer Protocols: Which Protocol is Best? What Progesterone Is Best for an FET?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses embryo transfer protocols and what progesterone is best for FET. The intramuscular progesterone shots can be painful but in some situations, it may be best. In this video, Dr. Crawford reviews a new study that came out and what the findings were when it comes to embryo transfer protocols.
Fertility Q&A - Egg Storage, ICSI, Blocked Fallopian Tube, and More!
Dr. Natalie Crawford answers the voicemails you called in.