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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Religion and IVF

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses IVF and religion and explains the IVF process, options for modifications, and some things to think about. Many people have preconceived ideas of what IVF is and what it is not. This technology exists for you to have a family and it’s important for you to understand the process before making a decision.

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YouTube Natalie Crawford YouTube Natalie Crawford

Prenatal Vitamin: How Do You Choose? What Ingredients Should You Look For?

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses the prenatal vitamin and shares what you should look for when choosing. Prenatal vitamins are an important part of your TTC and pregnancy journey as they aid in the babies development and can prevent diseases. Because vitamins are not regulated, it's important to know what ingredients you should be looking for.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Miscarriage Management

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses miscarriage management including what you need to know, what happens next, and your options when your ultrasound doesn't look like it should. She also shares her personal experience with miscarriages and ectopic pregnancy. Miscarriage is hard and being able to understand your options is important.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

OHSS-Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Dr. Natalie Crawford MD discusses OHSS or ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome including risks, warning signs, and how it’s treated. OHSS is a complication that can happen any time you stimulate the ovaries. Many decisions during fertility treatments are made based off the risk of OHSS as the symptoms can become severe.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Do You Have PCOS?

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses PCOS, how you know if you have it, and ways to manage it. Often providers have given patients’ birth control or progesterone as a band aid and avoided explaining the disease. If you have a disease like PCOS you deserve to know you have it, understand it, and have a discussion about how what you do daily may have an impact.

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Blog Kayla Cavagnaro Blog Kayla Cavagnaro

Donor Egg IVF

Many of my patients come to me and never expect to have a conversation about donor eggs. This option, for most people, is something they never thought they’d have to discuss. I want to break down some of the barriers, talk about this honestly, and give you some things to consider. Most people going down this road are women of advanced maternal age or poor egg quality leading to failure to get pregnant.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Uterine Birth Defects

Dr. Natalie Crawford explains how the uterus is formed and the different types of uterine birth defects including a transverse vaginal septum, bicornuate uterus, unicornuate uterus, uterine septums, and more. So often there are no warning signs until you reach infertility or are getting an evaluation. She also goes into detail about a uterine septum, which is the most common uterine birth defect, and the procedure to fix them.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

Advanced Maternal Age

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses advance maternal age, what you should know, what it means for your fertility, and what should you do if you are waiting to start your family. She also discusses IVF success rates. You cannot make decisions based on data you don’t know. So, it’s important to know your age-related chances of having a child or multiple children if that is your goal.

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Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro Podcast Kayla Cavagnaro

Cancelled Cycles

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses cancelled cycles, why they happen, and why it shouldn’t always be a bad thing if your cycle gets cancelled.

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Blog Kayla Cavagnaro Blog Kayla Cavagnaro

Clomid vs. Letrozole

It is so important for you to know what is going on with your body so you can understand what’s best for you. I see these medications misused often so I want you to understand this topic.

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Podcast Natalie Crawford Podcast Natalie Crawford

When To Have Kids

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses planning your family and when to have kids. She tells you her story of becoming a parent and what that looked like in medical training. Natalie also shares what she wishes she would’ve prioritized when it comes to health before trying to get pregnant.

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Blog Kayla Cavagnaro Blog Kayla Cavagnaro

Ovulation Myths

I have seen so many misconceptions or things that are spread as truth and are misinterpreted. I am answering questions and debunking myths that have I have received.

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