Fertility + Hormones + Health + Lifestyle
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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: What Is It? What Are The Causes? What Is The Evaluation?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses recurrent pregnancy loss including what it is, the causes, the evaluation, and what to do moving forward. She has been in your shoes and remembers what it was like wondering when that day would come.
Do You Have PCOS? What Signs Should You Look For?
Board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses things you should know about PCOS including diagnosis and symptoms to look for. She gets many patients in her office that give their history and her first question is “Have you ever been told you have PCOS?”
Egg Quality: How To Improve Your Egg Quality
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, explains egg quality and what you can do to improve it. Egg quality essentially means the genetics of the eggs. It's important to know that egg quality and egg quantity are two different things. Watch this video to learn more about your eggs and how to improve egg quality.
Adenomyosis: What are the Symptoms, Treatment, and Diagnosis? How Does It Impact Your Fertility?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses adenomyosis including the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and impact on your fertility. Adenomyosis can impact your fertility and quality of life, and it's something that many people have not heard about.
Multiples and Fertility Treatments: What Are The Risks? What Should You Know?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses fertility treatment and multiple pregnancies. It’s important to understand the risks that comes with being pregnant with multiples. When technology advances, advancing and changing the way we practice should happen as well.
How Do You Balance Your Hormones? What Is Normal?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses your hormones and what it means for them to be balanced. When people talk about balancing their hormones, it often stems from a place of misinformation. It’s important for you to understand what is normal, and what is not. If you want to learn more about your hormones and how they change throughout your cycle, this video is for you.
Failed Cycles: Why Do Fertility Treatment Cycles Fail? What Are The Next Steps?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses failed cycles including why they fail and what your next steps should be. Knowing your odds of success and understanding the process is so important and something your provider should be explaining to you before you begin this journey. You also deserve the peace of mind knowing you had all of your questions answered if your cycle fails.
BBT:How Do You Use Basal Body Temperature To Track Ovulation?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, explains basal body temperature and how you can use it to track ovulation when trying to conceive or prevent pregnancy. She discusses ovulation, when using BBT doesn't work, and what you should know about wearable devices.
Prenatal Vitamin: How Do You Choose? What Ingredients Should You Look For?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses the prenatal vitamin and shares what you should look for when choosing. Prenatal vitamins are an important part of your TTC and pregnancy journey as they aid in the babies development and can prevent diseases. Because vitamins are not regulated, it's important to know what ingredients you should be looking for.
What is Mini Stim IVF? Is Minimal Stimulation IVF Protocol Better Than Conventional IVF?
Double Board Certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford explains what minimal stimulation IVF is, what you need to know about it, and what the evidence says about it. If you are going through fertility treatments, it’s important to understand the decisions being made and knowing what is in your best interest.
IVF Q&A: Answering Your Top IVF Questions - What You Should Know About IVF
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, answers your IVF questions asked in the community tab.
Birth Control: When To Stop Using Birth Control Before Trying To Conceive
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses when to stop using birth control if trying to conceive. She includes IUDs, implants, depo provera, and oral contraceptives. This is an important video to watch if you are using any form of birth control and plan on getting pregnant in the future.
TTC - What Should You Do Before You Get Pregnant? How Do You Get Pregnant?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses what you should know and do before trying to get pregnant. Your period is a vital sign and is the first thing you should understand before trying to conceive. She also shares fertility awareness methods, what tests should be done, and when you should see a fertility doctor.
Pregnancy Tests: How Do They Work? What Does A Faint Line Mean?
Board Certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, tells you everything you need to know about pregnancy tests. How early can you test? What does a faint line mean? Watch this video if you are on your TTC journey and want to fully understand pregnancy tests and know how they work.
TILTED UTERUS: What Is a Tilted Uterus? How Does Your Uterus Position Impact Fertility?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses what a tilted uterus means and whether or not it impacts your fertility. This is a common question so she is also teaching you about your anatomy so you can better understand why your uterus may be tilted.
What is an IUI? How to Get Pregnant With an IUI?Top Tips for Intrauterine Insemination
Board Certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses intrauterine insemination or IUI and everything you need to know about this fertility treatment. When does it make sense to use IUI to get pregnant? Should you use ovulation induction or natural cycles?
Uterine Polyps: Symptoms, Removal, and Impacts on Fertility, Pregnancy and TTC
Double board certified OBGYN and RE, Dr. Natalie Crawford, breaks down endometrial polyps explaining how they’re diagnosed, what it means, and what should be done.
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome - OHSS Protocols, Risks, Symptoms, and Prevention
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses OHSS or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome including what it is, what are the risks, and how to prevent it. OHSS is a complication of IVF and it’s important to know that the prevalence has decreased significantly as IVF has become better. It’s also important to be aware of this so you can understand why your protocol may be changed base on your risk of OHSS.
INFERTILITY TREATMENTS - Ovulation Induction, IUI, IVF, and Surgery To Help You Get Pregnant
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford goes over what you need to know before you see a fertility doctor. What are the fertility treatment options? It’s important to know that a complete evaluation is going to be needed before you start treatment. Fertility doctors love data and want all the information to best treat you.
EXERCISE: What is Safe While TTC and in Early Pregnancy?
Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses exercise while trying to conceive, undergoing fertility treatments, and during early pregnancy. Exercise can be very beneficial during this time, but it’s important to know what is safe in all of these stages.